A New CAT Scan for Your Reading Pleasure

So boring.

Another year. Another CAT scan. And for what I can gather from the incomprehensible update in my online health provider sponsored website, another “no evidence of disease” (or NEDS for those that have to worry about these things) diagnosis.

In other words, I don’t think I have a recurrence of cancer.

I say “from what I can gather” because there are only three words in their post that have less than 43 syllables. I haven’t seen my doctor yet. I’m scheduled for June. Which if you think about it is almost torture. Get a scan in March – get the “final” word from the doctor in June. Waiting from March to June to find out for sure if you don’t have cancer is a bit of struggle.

I wrote about the time between scan and final word in this post called “Scanxiety”. After one of my “waiting” periods I did ask them about it and they told me that if they did find something in the scan they immediately schedule an appointment. They don’t wait. So the fact they haven’t called to move my June appointment up is actually good news.

I hope.

Closing Time?

I never know if I should close this site down or not. I still run into people who have been diagnosed with bladder cancer and I point them here to read my journey and they find value. So for the little it costs me to keep it up and running I’ll keep posting. One email a year from me isn’t too much of an imposition I don’t think. And you can always unsubscribe if you want.

Please let your friends and family know about this site if they bring up bladder cancer. I’ll always be honest and helpful.

Until next time. Good health and good luck!