CT Scan in the Age of Corona

One year and 2 months ago I sent my last update to peestrong.

That update was good news and so is this!

All clear. NED all around (No Evidence of Disease.)

Second verse same as the first

Even though the outcome is good news, the whole CT scan process still creates a ton of anxiety as you wait to hear if you have cancer again or if you’re good for another 12 months. But there is upside. Once you get the news you now know you DON’T have cancer – something many others walking around today don’t know (but maybe should.)

My doc said “all good… see ya next year!”

He also commented that it has been 7 years since the start of this journey. I had to reflect on that as well. 7 years!

I guess time still flies even when you’re NOT having fun.

I think I have about 3 more annual scans to go before they can take a step back and assume I’m “cured”. Not sure if I will stop all together or if I go to a more expanded schedule – something like a scan every 5 years. A part of me wants to have that validation that I don’t have cancer. Another part says it would be nice to not have to cover the deductible every year. Trust me. They are proud of that CT machine and they charge for it!

But … for those kind souls still allowing me to send these quick updates … if anything changes you will hear about it here.

Thanks for letting me clutter up your email box and until next year — and hopefully we won’t still be still wearing masks and and doing the whole physical distancing thing.

Stay well. Go to the doctor. Be kind, rewind.